A Weaving…

My life is simply that. A weaving. We live in small town USA and I'm living a life I love…

I Quit…

So, to be honest… here’s what I’ve wanted to say the past two days in regards to motherhood… I quit.

My kids, while they are great and really a lot of fun to have have really been pushing my buttons like CRAZY the past couple days and I’ve bene melancholy on top of that and simply put… I want to wave the white flag of surrender.

Instead, I’m baking chocolate chip oatmeal cookies… I could say that they are to show my children I love them, pack them in lunch boxes, take them to neighbors and teachers and recovering church members … or I could be honest and say…

I really wanted a chocolate chip oatmeal cookie, or two.

5 responses to “I Quit…”

  1. I feel your pain girl!! Don’t give up!!

  2. oh, i love me a little chocolate chip oatmeal therapy!!
    it’s crazy, but i know you wouldn’t trade it for the world!! (believe me, in a few years it will be eerily quiet and i’m here to tell you, it’s just an odd sound). so enjoy this bedlam. these are the best (most exhausting) years.
    yay for an energetic bunch, and a momma who knows when it’s time to retreat and have a betty crocker moment.

  3. I’m there with you. Maybe it’s something in the air. I’ll be praying for you. Oh, and eat a few cookies for me. I’ll run on the treadmill tonight for you.

  4. You better tell them to shape up before Disneyworld! Aunt Heidi doesn’t put up with any unruly children. I will put them on the It’s a Small World ride and make them stay there until they shape up!! 🙂

    Also, save me a cookie.

  5. ah, sage advice: when depressed, eat cookies.
    hang in there!

    256 pairs? Really???

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About Me

A wife. A mom. A daughter. A sister.
A pastor’s wife.
A Mousewife.
Right brain. Left brain.
